You're welcome. I love f.lux and I always love meeting others who love it too! I am confident that you'll find settings that work for you so that when you are ready to go to sleep, you actually feel ready. If you don't feel ready when you want to be, then of course there are always numerous possible culprits (ranging from lifestyle, diet, chosen activity near bedtime, lack of exercise, stress level, etc., etc., etc.) - but one possible culprit in today's world is being exposed to too much blue light too close to bedtime. Like 100 years ago, that was never an issue. lol If it weren't for f.lux, no one would be able to safely use their computer right up until bedtime, and those people who are using f.lux today would otherwise still be wondering why they can't go right to sleep after they turn their computer off.
Of course, you still have to make sure your indoor lighting isn't too bright and blue. After all, what good is f.lux in a home that's lit by bright "Daylight" lights and super bright vanity lights in the bathroom, etc.? :) I use extremely low light at night. I also have a dimmer in the bathroom and brush my teeth and whatnot in a dimly-lit bathroom. I suppose if someone saw how I live during the last couple hours of my day, they'd think I'm a little crazy.