This is especially blue but it is common to find the blue sky at 20,000-30,000K. CCT does go up dramatically as things get bluer, it's approximately 1/linear.
Most meters will only say CCT in a particular range (e.g., our measurement software goes to 100,000) - maybe the number is too large for this meter to report...
@zero00 we have had better luck with DisplayLink or native (thunderbolt or displayport) connections. I should ask if this monitor has worked in the past for you with dimming controls?
@WhiteColorQuestion f.lux does load the system profile to set the "normal" white mode it shows during the day, but it should leave no lasting effect if you uninstall & reboot. Are you aware of any other software that might have reduced the brightness previously?
Thanks, I see that now but I didn't notice it before you mentioned it.
What does the Disable for a specified program do? Does it set the display to 6500K and is that what the Return to Full Brightness does?
Do all these options do the same thing? Or can the colour temperature be at 1900K when "Return to Full Brightness" is enabled? It's not very clear what the keyboard shortcuts do. I would think that if the colour temperature was set to 1900K then Alt+PgDn would only reduce the brightness from 1900K and go up to 1900K maximum. That would be different to Full Brightness would it not?
@flux_onetimepost I am wondering, whether some old version of f.lux would work in such a manner that we are able to manually specify the screen colour without extra smarts from the software?
@reina3 These color effects are not on the "planckian locus" meaning there is no CCT that matches them exactly - this one is very close to 6400K but not really! We should allow scheduling these in a future version.
@Holoubek You might want to set Backwards Alarm Clock a bit earlier. For example you want to stop working at 9pm, you should set the wake up time to 6am.
It should notify you around that time.
@bitzie I would first expect the NVIDIA driver, since these drivers over the last few years have had modes that turn off color controls ("reference mode" and other things), though recently one of them was very hard to turn off once you turn it on.
I can only recommend looking some more into color settings in the NVIDIA control panel ("Current color accuracy mode" under "Adjust desktop color settings"?)
Now the version of flux-setup.exe that is linked to from the website has a Last-Modified header of "Wed, 21 Feb 2024 23:39:51 GMT" and when installed indicates "Exit f.lux (v4.134)".
Thanks for updating, and thank you for the program.