feat. request: Darkroom with inversion option
I would like to request an option to Darkroom mode to enable/disable color inversion.
I think as most OSes now having adopted dark themes, the need for color inversion in Darkroom mode has become less, as the OS itself handles darkers tints already. Darkroom with color inversion then does the opposite by brighten the colors again.
Darkroom without inversion would also be better for viewing graphical material, video and photo. I think MacOS monochrome rendering in red would be perfect!
Thank you for the great product and service!
PS. I also saw an older post from requesting for this feature but was suggested to start e new post. 2021 post: Feature Requests: Darkroom mode without inversion](and screen inversion from the Flux app)
@JorIS I would like to see this too. Mac OS does have Color Filters under System Settings>Accessibility>Display, then at the bottom, but that is a bit to dig though to get to it.