Mac Desktop Shortcut or widget that opens Prefs Panel at specified screen location?
The Menubar access has never worked for me and how the way I work. All of the built in automation and daylight tracking by location has never provided what my eyes want when I am working. I've always wanted purely manual control, and by that I mean JUST THE SLIDER, that's it.
Years ago I posted requesting "Could you please make the slider just a very minimal horizontal slider that's compact -- just like a horizontal volume control slider, or a horizontal screen brightness slider."
I would be more than happy to pay for this plugin or shortcut code or widget if someone could just make it? I know there have to be other people across the world who want this very same thing -- with emphasis on COMPACT, like this:
I'd love to see if there are any other people who would want something similar -- where you could place it anywhere on your desktop screen (screens) and have it stay in the location you set it, but also be moveable -- and sticks wherever you've last put it?