Philips Hue UPnP and Manual IP
I'm using a bridge emulator and have noticed that f.lux only obtains the IP from instead of first trying mdns/SSDP and a manual IP entry. Since an emulated bridge is not able to announce itself to the Philips endpoint, its not able to be discovered by f.lux.
Is there any way that f.lux would be able to consider using those alternative methods listed above?
We support UPnP as a fallback - if the meethue list is empty it should definitely use it. If you have a mix of "real" bridges and emulated ones you can disable meethue entirely using:
HKCU/Software/Michael Herf/Flux/Preferences/meethue = DWORD(0) in the registry.
We could probably add manual IP entry in the future.
@herf I see thank you. That would explain the problem. I do have an original bridge and an emulated bridge. Thanks for that config option.
Is there currently a manual way to override the IP and can UPnP be prioritized in the future as that is what is shown in the Philips Hue API documentation as well?