Bright parts glitch watching full-screen movies
This always happens for me in normal & movie f.lux modes as well when in full-screen.
Colors close to white have some kind problem.
What's strange is that if I move the mouse during a movie I get a slightly different shade for the whole display with no glitches.
But as soon as the cursor disappears and I'm in full-screen mode again the glitches come back.
This problem was already discussed.
it was 3 months ago...
I'd like to know, is it even solvable? -
We've reported it to the right people - for now if you're using the newest version of f.lux and the newest version of el cap some people are reporting that it's a lot better.
Apple-support had no idea of this issue yesterday when I talked to them both in store (showing on mb12-demo computers) and via chat support. Im aiming for a mbp or a better brand next time :computer: