Netflix flux issues
Watching Daredevil on Netflix - when there is high contrast in a shot or just bright light, flux will dim some of the light but cause other parts of it to look funky and super bright (white vs yellow) without normal fading of color. It causes daytime scenes to look like nighttime, and causes lights to look unnatural.
I have a 12" MacBook. Please fix this! I love flux!!!
If you're talking about when the sun has already set and f.lux has warmed up the colors, then switch to Movie Mode in f.lux. Or, if that's not good enough, then just slide the Night color temperature to 6500K until you're done watching the movie.
No, this is defnitly a Bug! Hilights when watching Netflix on a Mac in Fullscreen Mode while using flux are clipped and look verry weird. Unfortunately it's hard to screenshot this. But i can provide Pictures via Smartphone. Movie Mode or different Color Temperature doesn't make any difference at all.
@character I think you're talking about this:
Is that similar to what you are experiencing?
Found the Issue! Watching via Google Chrome solved it for me.
This Topic gets it:
Almost the same Issue!
Thank You @Tungsten_smooth :)
@character That was fast! Good work!
Netflix can't wait ;)
And f.lux is a great App that saves me from sleep deprivation :)
Unfurtunately Netflix does the opposite 😂
But f.lux makes it less worse :)
Thanks again!