but then while prntscrnng n pastin in pain i discovered... a darkroom mode - (i took a screenshot but ofc screenshot is normal xD)
so yeah, its nostalgic for me of my collage days when I had lit. only hard red bulb from yugoslavia xD
and ofc we got weasted many times in that room sexy timesz n shizz, so yeah I will use f.lux specialy only when I'm ready to jump on that local pretty rave bitch n molest her a lil bit...
(ofc bc shez prolly in that time talking about something deep n goin deeper instead of me goin deeper in her)
So yes, I'm glad I have "Darkroom Mode" at hand when he needs. 😈 🥵 Otherwise, you are a registration program ... Hipster, untreated, Nezlji zašti koje zvelji zbljičketketketkatket (MSLM on the Hacker Win XP) without any notice before you need to be ... UGL Hipsters , Fancy Wanna-Bees🐝 and Artists Il 'Variations Mix Three are your target audience: P💦Little Pedersk Booth Lepo :3