Here is a way to scroll the mouse wheel up/down at the very (top of your screen only) to adjust brightness.
NOTE* you must have Autohotkey installed and run the script. If you don't have Autohotkey, then message me and I'll give you the .exe file.
I have mapped the scroll wheel to F.lux default shortcuts Alt 'PGEUP/DOWN' so the default keys will still work but the scroll wheel is better and faster.#NoEnv SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% CoordMode, Mouse, Screen #SingleInstance, Force #If MouseIsOvertop() $~WheelDown:: send, !{PGDN} return $~WheelUp:: send, !{PGUP} return #If MouseIsOvertop() { MouseGetPos,,y Return y < A_ScreenHeight - 1070 }