[SUGGEST] Editable shortcuts
It would be very important for those who work with several on shortcuts in various software to have the option to change the shortcut keys. It's something that keeps me from using flux shortcuts today
Here is a way to scroll the mouse wheel up/down at the very (top of your screen only) to adjust brightness.
NOTE* you must have Autohotkey installed and run the script. If you don't have Autohotkey, then message me and I'll give you the .exe file.
I have mapped scroll wheel to F.lux default shortcuts Alt 'PGEUP/DOWN' so the default keys will still work but the scroll wheel is better and faster.#NoEnv SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% CoordMode, Mouse, Screen #SingleInstance, Force #If MouseIsOvertop() $~WheelDown:: send, !{PGDN} return $~WheelUp:: send, !{PGUP} return #If MouseIsOvertop() { MouseGetPos,,y Return y < A_ScreenHeight - 1070 }
I also would like to be able to change keyboard shortcuts. Alt + PgDn / PgUp is used by other applications too.