Version 4.55 Bloated
First I want to thank you for this product. I installed it a year ago and I swear it helps me be sleepier at night. I also convinced my friends to install it.
I upgraded to version 4.55 a little bit ago and I am not liking it at all.
It does have more options for the color of the screen and time it operates at but everything else has been problems.
I live in an incredibly noisy place. It's awful! I have to play white noise on my stereo.
I set my computer to hibernate around 1am because that's when I finally might get a couple hours of quiet.
It hibernates with the sound track playing, then when some jerk wakes me up in the morning I reach over and turn my computer back on hiding my eyes from the light. The computer starts back up with the noise. I then have to reach over and feel my way to hit enter to login.HERE IS THE MAIN PROBLEM.
It takes FOREVER for flux to kick into it's night time mode. I often get impatient and look at the screen to soon with it in full color. Also, whenever it goes into screen saver mode and comes out, it comes out in full color and takes a little bit to kick into night mode.I also don't use any of the new features. I am afraid to install the newest version after reading someone having installer problems.
I may go back to the old version even though it didn't get as orange or dark and lacked the ability to change the time it enters and exits night mode. Those are the only two features I think are important. All the other bloated functions just render the program nearly worthless for my purpose.
PS: Please speak out against noise pollution. It's a worse problem than staring at bright little screens at night. We need auto makers, airlines, and politicians to wake up to these technologies that are increasingly allowing people to be rude.
Just change the transition speed to the one called "Very Fast: Gaming".
If you are talking about how fast it changes color then I don't think this will work.
It already jumps directly from full "normal" color to night time. It just takes forever to do this switch when the computer is either booting up, or coming out of hibernation or screen saver. Sometimes it will even switch back and forth a couple times before the computer finally loads flux. -
So, you have it set to Very Fast already? Can you verify that right now?
@TwoCables well I don't see gaming mode in the settings, and if I watch it the screen. it doesn't just transition. It acts as if flux just takes forever to load then BOOM it jumps to the setting it should be in once loaded.
While we are at it, I also never liked how when you click on the window it runs through a 24 hour preview. At night when my eyes are adjusted to low white and I accidentally click the window I have to react to close my eyes as it runs through the preview. It would be better to have an actually button that said "preview"
@warmlumens said in Version 4.55 Bloated:
@TwoCables well I don't see gaming mode in the settings, and if I watch it the screen. it doesn't just transition. It acts as if flux just takes forever to load then BOOM it jumps to the setting it should be in once loaded.
Oh, I missed something you said before; f.lux isn't even running when Windows is coming out of Hibernation. I have no idea if they can make Windows prioritize f.lux. Coming out of screensaver though? I don't have that problem. F.lux affects my screensaver and so f.lux is still at my preferred color temperature when I deactivate the screensaver.
I don't use Hibernation though because my computer starts up so quickly that I don't need Hibernation. So, that's why I have no experience with this issue.
@warmlumens said in Version 4.55 Bloated:
While we are at it, I also never liked how when you click on the window it runs through a 24 hour preview. At night when my eyes are adjusted to low white and I accidentally click the window I have to react to close my eyes as it runs through the preview.
It's not any part of the window; just a specific part of it. The current beta version doesn't do this. On the first left-click on the graph it switches to the 3-slider view. On the 2nd left-click of the graph, it does the preview. Then it cycles back to the first click and back and forth, back and forth every time you click. So, click 3 times, and you get the 3-slider view, then a preview, then the 3-slider view again. Click a 4th time, and you get the preview again. I know how confusing it sounds, but it's just a cycle between left-clicking once and then left-clicking again.