Suggestion: Hide icon from topbar setting
I would also love to have this as an option. The menu bar can get cluttered all too easily. I have other apps that can operate in the background with no dock or menu bar icon, their preferences are accessed by simply re-opening the app (BetterTouchTool for example). Could this be a solution for f.lux?
It may seem like a trivial thing, but there are good reasons that there have been dozens of posts about this.
it's expressly against Apple human interface guidelines for an app to install an icon in the menu bar, with no way of hiding it:
Use status items sparingly and only if the alternatives (such as a Dock menu, preference pane, or status window) are not suitable. Because there is limited space in the menu bar in which to display status items, status items are not guaranteed to be available at all times. For this reason, do not rely on them being available and always provide a user preference for hiding your application’s status items to free up space in the menu bar.
-- From Mac Developer Library - Introduction to Status BarsThis is how people expect their Macs to behave. I have at least 50 apps that have a menu bar icon option, and only two of them - f.lux and dropbox - fail to provide a way to hide them. I only use menu bar icons that display some kind of status - time, weather, CPU usage, etc.
It's not only about having a "tidy" menu bar. Application menus override status items, and for example on an 11" MacBook, it's not unusual for an application with many menus to cause f.lux's icon to become hidden and inaccessible. With a Dock icon, this isn't a problem.
It's trivial for an app to show a Dock icon with a right-click menu having the same structure as the menubar icon's menu, and a simple preference to choose between them. The preference could go in the Options submenu. I'm not a Cocoa programmer, but I imagine it wouldn't take more than a couple of hours.
A more elegant system, which several people have pointed out is used by many similar apps, is to have two items on the Preferences screen, "Show in Menu Bar" and "Show in Dock", and allow them both to be deselected. Then, double-clicking on the application icon in the Finder opens the Preferences screen. Admittedly, this may be less useful with f.lux, because there would be no convenient way to access things like "Movie mode" or "Disable for an hour". That could be solved with Applescript support, which is also not terribly difficult to add, but that's another topic...
Jolly Jimmy said it better than I, thanks. And yes I realize this is not the biggest problem on Earth, and that I will end up doing zero of the work to fix it. It appears to be one of those little things that bugs people. Thanks.
@robertwellman I suggest you check out "Bartender" I use it all the time, and you can hide or move menubar icons to an extra bar.
I too love flux, I don't need to disable it too often (mainly for movie watching) so instant access to the menubar icon is a pretty minimal requirement. It doesn't sound like the developers are prioritising any options for menubar and dock display, so anyway I have added $5 to the kitty, and if an update does come out in next couple of weeks I won't need to pay for Bartender which I have been trialing and currently answers the question for me.

Here is a quick fix that worked for me in OS X. At login time, the image file Contents/Resources/fluxicon.tiff is loaded onto the menu bar. In the installation, this is a black and white rendering of the logo. I replaced this file with one of the same name that contained a single transparent pixel. When flux restarts, the menu bar item is still there (and clickable), but it is does not clutter my menu bar.
Here are some screenshots of what it looks like.
Not clicked on:
Clicked on:
This is not an ideal solution, since the menu bar isn't guaranteed to place the flux item at the far left, and its minimum width is set by the system item icon padding. But for a 2 minute fix, it's pretty good!
Just installed Vanilla on Sierra: free tier allows you to hide icons, paid tier lets you remove them.
Works great!
@lorna said in Suggestion: Hide icon from topbar setting:
If our icon bugs you more than blue light at night, I don't have a better solution for you than uninstalling.
I know this is an old thread, but it's where duckduckgo landed me.
Yes, your icon bugs me more than blue light, and there are alternatives. I've been using f.lux since it's inception, I've donated to the cause, and now I'm deleting it because that attitude absolutely sucks. You really shouldn't be involved with customer service, @lorna, because you suck at it.
@pschastain said I've been using f.lux since it's inception, I've donated to the cause, and now I'm deleting it because that attitude absolutely sucks. You really shouldn't be involved with customer service, @lorna, because you suck at it.
Hey, you're right. I do suck at it. I'm not a customer service person. We don't have a support staff, which is one reason the icon's not hideable. People need to be able to see the icon so they can quickly disable it, change options, or even quit forever. Sorry to see you go, and thanks for your former support. Please let us know if we can ever help with a f.lux related question.
Closing old thread - this is a feature request that we know many folks have, but for now there are no plans to remove the icon.