Light blue tint eyewear
Well, don't forget that a lot of the light will bleed in through the sides.
Do you think it's possible that you're becoming a bit too obsessed over these things for your own sanity and happiness and peace?
Well, these wrap around a bit, so I'm not worried about the unfiltered light coming in. I just want to filter out a little bit of the 4200K light if I'm going to be indoors for more than an hour.
May I ask why? Maybe you can teach me something here.
Most fluorescent lights are around 4200K or just a tad bit higher (usually not). I do NOT like the feeling of these lights, they are everywhere, and they do a horrible job of simulating sunlight. I'm surprised they are still used in schools and educational environments. I hate them, if that's not clear.
With the light blue tint, it picks the light up some, to hopefully around an aquaish 6000K+ looking light, and would make me feel a lot better indoors. The light is just .... overused, and I'm tired of the lackluster light spectrum.
All the standard fluorescents I've seen are 4100K, but yeah that's beside the point. However, one thing you should know is, they're not supposed to simulate sunlight. The only way to simulate sunlight is to have a light that somehow produces the full range of the spectrum, including both ends of the spectrum that is invisible to the naked eye. Even though we can't see most of the light that the sun gives off, it still affects us holistically. It's something to seriously consider.
Anyway, I hate them too (I hate them almost as much as I hate things like mosquitoes or my worst enemies), but you're forgetting about something: the flicker. They flicker like an extremely fast strobe light. So even with glasses that are tinted light blue and even if they seal your peripheral, you're still getting the flicker. You're also still going to be lacking in a huge section of the spectrum of light.
This isn't to say that you shouldn't at least TRY it, but I worry that it will just be The Placebo Effect.
Damnit, I forgot about the flicker -- I can't even remember all the negatives to this light source. I wonder if they were this awful when Nikola Tesla made his fluorescent light? I really want to know, did it lack as much of the spectrum as current lights? The only thing good about them is they use less energy, but that can be negated if you have to drive somewhere to dispose of them properly, or if mercury leaks into the ground water.
Can wearing light blue tinted glasses really make up for that lack? Or is it an illusion?
I see your point, I guess it's not going to help much! I also have a difficult time reading with that light.
Yeah, I know. That vivid flickering light makes the black ink on white pages a bit too difficult to look at for extended periods of time. I freakin' hate fluorescents. If I were in charge of this world, then fluorescent and LED lights would be banned and everyone would be forced to use incandescents. Also, I'd mandate that Aero-Tech provide nothing but their 20,000 incandescent light bulbs to everyone:
They'd be the sole supplier of incandescent lights, and the whole world would use nothing but their incandescent light bulbs for light sources. Problem solved. Sorta. LOL This creates HUGE problems, I know, but I'm just having fun here.
Oh wow... It's a long read and the numbered citations are incorrectly linked (they're linked to files on the person's computer! lol Sigh), but WOW. If you thought you hated fluorescent lights BEFORE..... DAMN. This will make you want to go out and destroy them ALL.
GOOD LED bulbs don't have flicker -- like Philips LED bulbs. I only one the color RGB variety (and those flicker, I guess to change color) but reviews say that the normal warm white / cool white don't flicker. You should try a few!
What about their spectrum of light? I thought that incandescents had the fullest spectrum.
FEIT chandelier LED
More LED lights, same website
Edit: I think they are getting close!
(I didn't link when I posted the first time.) -
I guess, but look at how smooth the incandescent light is. This is why I prefer incandescent lights, and this is why I will ALWAYS prefer them. The light is being produced by burning metal. It doesn't get more natural than that for artificial lighting! That's why incandescent light always feels better and makes you feel more relaxed and calm. It's like, there's nothing MISSING from the light that's being generated. With LEDs and fluorescent lights, there's a LOT that's missing, especially with those T12 fluorescent tubes!
So yeah, I don't think that any amount of filtering will ever help with the way fluorescent lights affect you. I would bet that any benefits you experience might just be The Placebo Effect.
@f-lux-team, when I'm switching around between different data, the graph seems to be influenced by my last selection, and the graph data gets altered. Just a quick example: I began to notice it when I went to the 'lights' section and I switched from Candle to GE Incandescent to T12 and then back to GE Incandescent straight from T12. Going from T12 to GE Incandescent made the GE Incandescent graph show much lower levels overall. Going back to Candle resets it because going straight from Candle to GE Incandescent makes GE Incandescent's graph go back to having a nice high levels.
Finding all the different transitions that do this would require a lot of time spent on the f.luxometer, but just doing it with a few different sections instead of just 'lights' shows me that the 'lights' section isn't the only one that's affected.
Just press F5 to get the full height of the graph, but that is sometimes useful when comparing brightness.
But we shouldn't have to reload the page.
Just read the page on fluorescent lights you linked -- I agree 100% with the opinions, and possibly fact stated there. I'm sure it would be easy to find more credible info.
Yeah, I didn't spend any time trying to find such an article either. I was just looking for information about that study that was done at some school comparing the effects on the children that 100% incandescent lighting has vs. 100% fluorescent lights (T12 tubes). When I skimmed over this, I became very happy to have stumbled upon it.
Yeah, it does a good job, but if you're or I am to convince others, we need a much better paper. Like I (may have) said, I can feel those effects, and it's just uncomfortable. Sure I can survive, but I just really don't like it. When I get some free time, which is what I have now, I'll look up some creditable information on this.
@timpster said:
Yeah, it does a good job, but if you're or I am to convince others, we need a much better paper. Like I (may have) said, I can feel those effects, and it's just uncomfortable. Sure I can survive, but I just really don't like it. When I get some free time, which is what I have now, I'll look up some creditable information on this.
Well, I won't go around trying to convince anyone. I'll only present this kind of knowledge and information if it's ever appropriate. Besides, it would be difficult to convince most people because most people would laugh and say, "It doesn't bother me at all".