Gray not Orange
I have a problem:
f.lux doesn't work proper. When i choose Ember, its almost like normal colors, just a bit orange-ish and a bit gray-ish.I can fix that for the moment when i reset the App (got it from the Windows Store, so rightclick...). Then its pitch orange as i expect it. After booting the next time, its broken again. The repair button for the app doesn't fix it.
I got a dual monitor setting, and i have to use an older Intel IGP driver (, as recommended by the vendor, otherwise my pc wont boot. The PC got a dedicated nvidia graphics card with the newest driver.
deleting C:\Users\Joachim\AppData\Local\Packages\F.luxSoftwareLLC.f.lux_sw1dyjdkns7gt\SystemAppData\Helium\User.dat also resets the App and fixes the issue
Intel Corporation Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 (20151001)
NVIDIA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M (20200403)PnP-Monitor (Standard), 473 x 296mm, built 2011
R=0.644531 0.341797
G=0.308594 0.617188
B=0.151367 0.060547
W=0.313477 0.329102sRGB gamut: 91%, AdobeRGB gamut: 64%
PnP-Monitor (Standard), 521 x 293mm, built 2013
R=0.640625 0.337891
G=0.315430 0.628906
B=0.159180 0.058594
W=0.313477 0.329102sRGB gamut: 89%, AdobeRGB gamut: 63%
Windows Build: 19041